2011年2月16日 星期三

MATCH流程-Program Response &Telephone Interview

在application寄出去之後, 接下來就是緊張的等待program會有什麼樣的反應了

一般Program需要一段時間咀嚼履歷, 在9月可能會開始收到interview通知, 在10月的前兩個禮拜會是面試通知的高峰期, 接下來面試通知會陸續減少, 一般community program會比較早送出面試通知, 比較早(10月底, 11月初)開始正式面試, University program或是熱門program則會比較喜歡看到你的11月的MSPE, 所以會比較慢發面試通知

一般的program 跟applicant的溝通都很機械化, 大多是 rejection 或是 interview ,或是跟你說有收到報名等等

有些Program會在你報名之後寄出一封信, 確認已經收到你的報名表了, 並不代表任何意思
下面是St Peter's hospital的例子
We are pleased to find your application for our Internal Medicine Residency Program among our applicants.  We believe we have an outstanding educational program, and are glad that you are interested in learning more.
We are busy reviewing applications and trying to be as efficient as possible when extending our invitations.  Please do not interpret the silence from us over the next month to be lack of interest.
There is no need to follow up on your application.

如果Program看過你的履歷, 覺得這個人太優秀了要給你 Interview, 內容會提到面試地點和可能時間, 最好是依照喜好順序選3個日期, 寫email回給PC, 有些人會喜歡用打電話方式, 覺得這樣會有印象加分效果, 我是認為不要這樣, 因為PC很忙, 而且打電話如果溝通不好, 會加分不成反變成"扣分"效果...用email 溝通就好
下面是Good Samaritan Hospital 的例子
Congratulations! Our Intern Selection Committee has evaluated your application for the 2011-2012 academic year for the Internal Medicine Training Program at the Good Samaritan Hospital of Maryland and would like to offer you an interview.  The day should be both informative and enjoyable.
Please contact Jody Gilbert by email at jody.gilbert@medstar.net to schedule your interview date.   Interviews will be held on the following dates: December 23, 30; January 20, 21, 27, and 28; February 3 and 4.  Every effort will be made to accommodate your date choice, but please know that space is limited.
The interview process is only one day. Your arrival time is 8:00 a.m. with the day ending approximately 2:00 p.m., but you are more than welcome to arrive at 7:00 a.m. to attend morning report.
Congratulations, we look forward to meeting you.

再來收到最多的恐怕就是Rejection了, 他們可能不會提到Reject這個字眼, 但是會跟你說沒辦法給你面試通知, 今年的報名人太多, 沒辦法每個人都選等等安慰你的話, 當然這也要看PC的文筆怎樣,

有寫到讓你想起來揍人的, 如 Sparrow/Michigan State University FM Program
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in the Sparrow/Michigan State University Family Medicine Residency Program located in Lansing Michigan.
My director has reviewed your application and unfortunately he does not feel that you meet the criteria that he is looking for.
Therefore, we regret to inform you that we cannot offer you an interview with our program.

也有寫的揪甘心的, 讓你雖然被拒絕也不會很難過, 如Jersey city IM program
Dear Applicant,
We would like to thank you for your expressed interest in our Internal Medicine Residency Program. We have officially concluded yet another extremely difficult recruitment season.  Unfortunately, we were unable to extend an invitation to you.  Many of you were stellar applicants, but we just didn't have the time or resources to interview the thousands of applicants for the 19 available spots.
Across the board each year, the number of graduates steadily increases, and the number of available positions seemingly decreases, making  things a little more difficult for all of us.
I would like to personally thank all of you for your interest in our program.
For those of you who were afforded opportunities and/or positions elsewhere, Congratulations and all the best!  For those of you whose dreams didn't come to fruition this time around, hopefully your break will soon come!  Please do know that things do happen for a reason, and what's for you is for you.  If you are meant to be some place or if an opportunity is meant for you, it will happen (believe me, I've seen it time and time again)!!!
Please do not let this hinder you from striving to achieve your goals!!! All of your hard work is not for naught.  Thank you, all the best, and may God bless you!

另外, 有些Program(尤其是family medicine) 很流行Phone Interview, 我本人就接到過兩通Phone Interview, 他們都是趁你最鬆懈的時候打電話給你, 這個時候千萬不要被嚇倒了, 趕快提起精神講電話, 剛開始的寒喧和結尾的感謝要注意禮節

第一, 一定要爭取時間, 通常他們會問你要現在面試還是要等一下, 也許是2個小時之後, 也許是明天, 一定要選最適合自己的時間

第二, 趁這個時候趕快整理思緒, 整理出他們最會問的問題, 並且馬上上program的網站蒐集必要資訊, 他們的問題都是一些你是先猜題可以猜到的, 如果你剛好有事先打好答案直接把它列印出來擺在你前面, 即使是直接照著念, 只要抑揚頓挫抓的好, 電話的另一端根本聽不出你是用念的

我第一個phone interview很緊張, 雖然準備時間只有1個小時,但是準備的很充分, 過了2天之後就寄來正式的面試通知, 讓我很高興, 第二個phone interview以為已經有前面的經驗了, 反而隨便準備, 下場果然是慘不忍睹...結果當然是On Hold....

現在想一想, 其實那些phone interview的確有在正式interview幫到我, 讓我在答題的時候比較不會緊張, 比較能侃侃而談....... 俗話說 Practice makes perfect 萬全的準備會讓你表現更加傑出

