2011年1月11日 星期二

USMLE 準備:USMLE CD/Practice Test

 USMLE CD是準備STEP1-3必做的練習題, 它可以讓你熟悉考試的軟體, 如果已經熟悉軟體的操作方式, 可以讓你直接跳過剛開始的介紹幫你省下10分鐘的休息時間

如果個人體質是一到考場就會很緊張的話可報名Practice test 到實際考場體驗一下現場寫題目的感覺, 但是要繳$144而且題目跟usmle CD 一樣, 我可沒有那麼有錢所以沒報....

練習題的難易度可能會稍微比實際考試偏簡單, 所以拿到不錯的分數也不要高興的太早喔 !!
下面的連結有Kaplan 自己編的詳解, 雖然是2009版的但是每一年軟體的題目都一樣, 所以還是可以參考看看

What is USMLE Practice Test (Free 150) (USMLE CD)?
USMLE CD is the common name used by students and it refers to the Practice Test Exam available from the official USMLE website.
Some people would like to call it the Free 150 also.

It's used to be a CD that ships via mail, no longer a CD as it is now an instant online download.
You can find the download page for the latest 2011 tests for all the steps here in this page
2011 USMLE Orientation and Practice Materials

It is composed of three blocks of questions and it also has some extra orientation material similar to the ones that we see in the real exam.

You can also do these questions in the Prometric testing center itself in what's called Prometric Practice Test

Are there Answers & Explanations?
Just like the NBME Forms the USMLE Practice test does not provide answers and explanation only analysis of your performance.
However, Kaplan Medical, make the answers and explanations of the USMLE Practice Tests available and updated every year set. They call it Released Items.
You can find this year Step 1 Answers here
Step 1 Items Released
You can find this year Step 2 CK Answers here
Step 2 Items Released
Just click on the download button and you'll have the answers in PDF format on your local computer. These are free and you don't need to be a Kaplan subscriber to get them.

Is Prometric Practice Test Useful?

Well, yes it's useful in that it puts you in exactly the same testing environment of your real test day and so for example you get yourself acquainted with the test center and see how long it takes from your place of residence to the test center and other logistics that you need to get ready for to avoid sudden exposure at your real exam day.

As far as the content of this practice session, it's composed of three blocks only not like the real 7 or 8 block of step 1 or step 2 CK. The questions are exactly the same as what you have in the Free USMLE Practice materials from the official USMLE website which you can be downloaded for free and no need to visit your test center. Learn more about the Free USMLE Practice Material
So as far as questions and exam content and testing your knowledge it's not useful in that matter.

How to apply?

You can only apply for a Prometric USMLE practice test when you are already registered for an USMLE step and received your scheduling number and CIN number. When you receive these go to this page
and enter your scheduling number and CIN number and wait few days they'll send you an email and a snail mail of your practice test scheduling number and CIN number (which are different from your original exam numbers).

How to Schedule?

Use these new special Prometric practice test scheduling and CIN numbers when you schedule your practice test with Prometric using this page

Important to remember that the above link is different from the regular exam scheduling link, the latter will not work even if you enter your practice scheduling and CIN numbers.

When you schedule with Prometric they'll make you pay the fees which ranges from $48 to $215 depending on your location

1 則留言:

  1. 請問一下,我download下step 1的檔案,安裝完後一直說指令有問題,我換了台電腦還是一樣,我不曉得是不是軟體的問題?..有人能夠成功的安裝嗎?
